
Showing posts from July, 2008


What gets us into trouble is not what we do not know; it is what we know for sure that just ain’t so. - Mark Twain Bombings in major cities in India , war in Iraq and Afghanistan , terrorist attacks in most of the places in world once considered peaceful , starvation some places and obesity in others what is the world going through. What has happened to the society? What has happened to the peace? Where are the good old days? This is what most reasonable people who think about the world, think. However, peace has remained a dream since time immemorial. Wars have always been fought, innocence has always suffered, and our choice of leadership has always been flawed. We've always experienced this same dilemma since ages, but it's more colorful this time. Just think about it, God had to come so many times to give us the message. You might say that we were not prepared the first time, what about getting the message right the fourth , fifth , sixth time. How about straigh...


IF you love your family lavishly then it is a problem. IF you don’t love them at all, then so it is again. IF you live only to work, then it is a problem. IF you work to live, then so it is again. If you read and don’t think at all, then it is a problem. IF you only think and don’t read, so it is again. IF you worry about others too much, then it is a problem. IF you don’t worry about them at all, then so it is again. IF your partner only argues with you, then it is a problem. IF no squabble ever happens, then so it is again. IF every effort results in despair then it is a problem. IF victory is the only Experience you have, then so it is again. IF it's knowledge you have and no vision, then it is a problem. IF only Vision exists, then so it is again. IF you feel that only Almighty can save you, then it is a problem. IF you think you can do it alone, then so it is again. IF every rise makes you exultant and every fall brings misery, then it is a prob...