
Showing posts from January, 2009


I was working late and had just stepped out of my office on a Friday. It was a windy night and I could smell the distant rain catching up with me. I waved my hand for an auto and a young Muslim guy with big beard and skull cap stopped. As the ride proceeded and I convinced him that route no.1 was the shortest instead of the one, which he was taking; I made an important discovery that was the start of a very interesting evening. I found out that he was generous with words. The unending traffic jam was bugging the hell out of both of us and the pleasant weather was washing away the weariness of the day. He said, "Sir Bangalore has changed a lot. It wasn't like this some years back. We hardly ever went beyond Koramangala. We used to finish our work by 9pm and then have a sound sleep back home. We used to get the desired money and save time too. These days it is only by 12 that our work gets over, money is stiff too due to competition, and dinner has shifted post 12. Most of...